Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Pet Society - Skipping Coins!


1. Enter the game and play skipping rope.
2. Open Cheat Engine ( Tick Hex,8 bytes,ASROM )
3. First Scan "7589544F8B01C083", result is 1 address.
4. Right click and then "disassemble memory region".
5. You will see "add eax 01" change it to "add eax 00"
6. Go back to Cheat Engine,
7. First Scan "DC5D8B0000001C85" result is 1 address.
8. Right click and then "disassemble memory region".
9. Scroll Up to find "or eax 02" and change it to "or eax 00"
10. Now go back to skipping ... every time you skip you will gain coin!

Note: Skip 1000 times = 1000 coins !!!

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